Kamsack Cemetery

Doukhobors in Riverview Cemetery – Kamsack, Saskatchewan

The following is a transcription of the Doukhobors interred in Riverview Cemetery at Kamsack, Saskatchewan. Land location: SE 19-30-32 West of First. Note this is a partial transcription of this cemetery. Transcribed by Jonathan J. Kalmakoff and Fred J. Strelieff on July 31, 2006.

View of the sign at the cemetery entrance.

Historical Background

Riverview Cemetery was established in 1904. Since that time, it has been used by Doukhobors living in the town and surrounding area.

It is owned and managed by the Town of Kamsack. The cemetery is in very good condition.


The cemetery is approximately eight acres in size and is enclosed by a fence and shelterbelt. It is comprised of four sections (Riverview Old, Catholic, Riverview, Riverview North) with rows facing east-west. With over 1,140 Doukhobor interments, it is the largest Doukhobor cemetery on the Prairies and second largest in Canada. Click here for an online cemetery map.

Driving Directions

Riverview Cemetery is located half a mile (1 km) north of Kamsack, Saskatchewan on Highway No. 8. The cemetery is on the west side of the highway. This cemetery is open to the public.

Surname Index

Surnames A-C | Surnames D-J | Surnames K-N | Surnames O-R | Surnames S-Z

View of the cemetery from the north facing south.

Notes: Various sources of data have been used in compiling this information including: marker transcriptions and cemetery maps. This is not a transcription of the entire Riverview Cemetery nor is it intended to be.

If readers have any comments, corrections or additions with respect to the Kamsack Cemetery, please contact Jonathan J. Kalmakoff

Whitebeech Cemetery

Whitebeech Community Cemetery – Whitebeech, Saskatchewan

The following is a transcription of the Whitebeech Community Cemetery located 6 miles south of
Whitebeech, Saskatchewan. Rural Municipality of Livingston No. 331. Land location: NW 31-34-30-W1 West of First. Latitude: 51 ° 58.089.
Longitude: 101° 42.699. Transcribed by Jonathan J. Kalmakoff with Fred S. Petroff on July 3, 2005.

View from the cemetery gate facing south-west.

Historical Background

The Whitebeech Community Cemetery was established in 1918 by the settlers of the Whitebeech district of Saskatchewan. There are a large number of Doukhobor settlers as well as Ukrainian and English settlers buried there.  It is in active use and is owned and maintained by the municipality. The cemetery is in very good condition.


The cemetery is approximately two acres in size and is enclosed by a wire fence. There is a single iron gate on the north side. The cemetery contains 147 interments in a single section comprised of 11 rows facing east-west. I have used death certificates to identify 17 unmarked graves. There are considerable gaps between the marked graves which would suggest as many as 50 additional unmarked graves. With respect to graves with markers, the markers are typically plain slate, marble or concrete upright headstones or flat markers set flush to the ground. Click here for an online cemetery map.

Driving Directions

To access the cemetery from Whitebeech, travel south on the gravel road for 6 miles (9.7 km). Then turn west and continue on the gravel road for 1/4 mile (.4 km). To access the cemetery from Arran, travel north on the gravel road for 5 1/2 miles (8.9 km). Then turn east and continue for 1/4 mile (.4 km). The cemetery is on the south side of the road allowance. This cemetery is open to the public.


Surname Name Birth Date Death Date Comments
Abram Anna 1924
Abram Wasil Jul. 22, 1881 Oct. 30, 1947
Baga Elizabeth Nov. 1932 Dec. 1939
Bartsoff Alex M. 1899 Sep. 4, 1937 No Marker
Bowolin Alex W. 1930 2001
Bowolin Irene 1928 1942
Bowolin Lucy F. 1903 1989 Wife of William
Bowolin William A. 1903 1983
Boyko Wasil May 4, 1882 Sep. 14, 1954
Bugutsky Emily Jul. 3, 1938 Jul. 20, 1938
Bugutsky Josephine Jul. 26, 1939 Dec. 21, 1939
Bush Annie Esther 1869 1942
Bush Ida Marie 1886 1936
Chernenkoff Alex 1915 1941
Chernenkoff Alice 1886 1973
Chernenkoff John C. Apr. 1882 Feb. 10, 1937
Chernoff Andrew 1901 1934
Didio Dokla 1887 1961
Dikun Irina M. 1889 1959
Dikun Ivan M. 1885 1957
Dinwoodie Agnes 1903 1931
Divitsa Maria
Doobenen Helen 1907 2003
Doobenen Mary 1883 1948
Doobenen Nicholas Oct. 15, 1913 Jan. 14, 1945
Dutoff Hanna 1882 1954
Dutoff Micheal 1920 1968
Dutoff Nick W. May 9, 1879 Jun. 3, 1947
Dykes Diana Jan. 20, 1909 May 16, 1997
Dykun Wiliam 1888 1935
Fedorchuk George H. Sep. 14, 1928 Oct. 5, 1928
Fedorchuk Mary Dec. 7, 1929 Dec. 30, 1929
Feschuk Mykyto Dec. 1858 Nov. 26, 1921
Green Beulah M. 1922 1925
Hebelit Daniel Amos Vanin May 1990
Homer Alfred 1882 1945
Homer Elizabeth 1876 1962 Wife of Alfred
Hudema Fred 1881 1963
Hudema Wasylina 1888 1969
Ivashchenko Fedora 1897 1963
Ivashchenko Mikita 1900 1960
Johnson Christina Edith 1953
Johnson Clarence Edward 1916 1980
Johnson Ellen Margaret 1919 2002 Wife of Clarence
Kastrukoff Alex 1899 1974
Kastrukoff Cecil C. 1885 1937
Kastrukoff Molly 1899 1975 Wife of Alex
Kastrukoff Palagea S. 1922 1940 Died – age 18 years
Kastrukoff Polly S. Oct. 15, 1854 Oct. 14, 1939 No Marker
Kastrukoff Samuel A. 1929 1956
Kastrukoff Savely W. 1924 Aug. 8, 1942 Died – age 18 years
Kazakoff Peter J. 1888 Jul. 24, 1941 No Marker
Kazakoff Peter P. 1911 1975
Kazakoff Tina 1912 2002 Wife of Peter
Kinakin George Aug. 1, 1910 Apr. 22, 1965
Kinakin Mike J. 1875 May 16, 1936 No Marker
Kinakin Peter P. Oct. 29, 1912 Apr. 22, 1929 No Marker
Kinakin Peter S. 1874 Jul. 7, 1950 No Marker
King E. Jay Oct. 6, 1900
King Frieda Feb. 2, 1911 1992
King Mabel 1931 1974
Konkin Annie 1884 1960 Wife of George
Konkin George 1874 1957
Konkin Peter 1910 1973
Krakolowich Anna Jul. 19, 1901 Nov. 8, 1952
Krakolowich Dmetro 1894 1974
Legebokoff Fanny 1880 Jul. 4, 1937 Died – age 57 years
Legebokoff John 1915 1988
Machan Ethel 1919 1919
Machan Georgena 1926 1927
Makaseyeff Anastasia W. Mar. 15, 1921 Nov. 21, 1926
Makaseyeff Wasyl A. 1880 1950
Markin Annie N. 1877 Nov. 20, 1935 No Marker
Markin Derwin Myles 1967 1972
Markin Frank K. 1933 1997
Markin Fred N. May 1, 1876 Sep. 5, 1934 No Marker
Markin Kuzma A. 1893 1975
Markin Peter A. 1878 Jun. 9, 1946 No Marker
Markin Stella F. Oct. 29, 1904 Feb. 5, 1977
Markin Tatiana A. 1893 Dec. 21, 1929 No Marker
Masloff Jim N. Nov. 21, 1930 Dec. 14, 1930 No Marker
Mazuren Efrem 1880 1964
McKeen Edith Annie 1882 Jun. 20, 1923
McLean John 1857 1935
McLean Mary 1864 1947
Negraiff Samuel 1889 1980
Negrave Alex 1905 1975
Negrave Molly 1904 1983 Wife of Alex
Negrave Nick 1924 1984
Nigraff Sam 1921 1942
Palenchuk Annie 1894 1989
Palenchuk Leon 1882 1943
Pangracs Andrew 1869 1946
Picton Alex P. 1885 May 29, 1938 Dukhobor Mill
Picton Diane 1910 1993 Wife of John
Picton Doria F. Oct. 20, 1862 Nov. 11, 1936 No Marker
Picton Frances 1883 1954 Wife of Alex
Picton John 1907 1966
Picton Peter 1930 1968
Picton Peter P. 1845 Jun 2, 1935 No Marker
Pilgrim Louis 1917 1993
Plaken John 1905 1931
Price Gladys Margaret Mar. 30, 1922 Jan. 9, 1923
Pronyk Fred Jun. 25, 1938 Died – age 6 days
Pronyk Natalie Apr. 27, 1935 Died – age 14 months
Pronyk Samuel Oct. 20, 1926 Died – age 4 months
Pronyk Sylvia May 24, 1943 Died – age 14 months
Remizoff Christina J. May 27, 1938 Jun 5, 1938 No Marker
Rever Charlotte 1933 1935
Rever John 1865 1922
Rever Margaret 1876 1925
Rever Russell 1931 1933
Ribalkin Mary 1859 Jul. 28, 1932 Died – age 73
Ribalkin Michael P. Dec. 10, 1883 Mar. 31, 1937
Rose Ellen Maria 1888 1975 Wife of John
Rose John 1878 1958
Safonoff * Mary 1873 1947
Sapach Frances Annie Jul. 12, 1916 Jan. 16, 1994 Wife of William
Sapach John 1938 1977
Sapach William May 15, 1912 Nov. 18, 2002
Sherstobetoff Wasil J. Jan. 24, 1884 Feb. 11, 1936
Shkuratoff Annie 1903 1981 Wife of Harry
Shkuratoff Harry J. 1899 1962
Shute John 1855 Feb. 17, 1932 Died – age 77 years
Skuratow George Alfred 1926 1991
Skuratow Harry Edward 1922 2001
Sofonoff Mary 1846 Sep. 4, 1939 Died – age 93 years
Sofonoff Vera Mar. 12, 1940 Mar. 13, 1940 No Marker
Stasiuk Anna 1895 1939 Wife of William
Stasiuk Ernie May 2, 1937 Jul. 19, 1992
Stasiuk William 1894 1973
Stepasiuk Mikita 1874 1954
Stepasiuk Solomia
Sukarukoff Annie P. 1913 1993 Wife of Philip
Sukarukoff John 1938 1993
Sukarukoff Philip K. 1910 1983
Tomlinson Ellen 1841 1928
Tomlinson Joseph 1843 1928
Villeneuve Clifford 1952 1995
Woiken Dora 1905 1978
Woiken Fred 1937 Jan. 27, 1994
Woiken George J. 1865 Jul. 23, 1949 No Marker
Woiken Harold 1944 2001
Woiken Lawrence N. Jul. 13, 1940 Jul. 29, 1960
Woiken Nick 1899 Jun. 6, 1978 Died – age 79
Woiken Steven F. Aug. 13, 1942
Yanchuk Brenda Lee 1963
Zmaeff Nellie J. Apr. 19, 1938 Oct. 18, 1938 No Marker

*Translated from Russian.

View of the cemetery from the northeast facing southwest.

The cemetery gate entrance from the north facing south.

Notes: Various sources of data have been used in compiling this information, including: marker transcriptions and death certificates. I have photos of the headstones and would be happy to share them. If readers have any comments, corrections or additions with respect to the Whitebeech Community Cemetery, please contact Jonathan J. Kalmakoff.

Sion Cemtery Map 10

Map of USCC (Sion) Cemetery
Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 91 – 100


100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91
Nastia Pepin
Marie Popoff Mary S. Parakin
Mabel Ogloff Mary Verigin John Plotnikoff Mabel F. Dergousoff Mike Stooshnoff Mary M. Demoskoff Pete P. Novokshonoff Mabel P. Chivildave Polly P. Derhousoff Peter G. Reibin
Fred N. Resansoff Mike Faminow William N. Kazakoff Nick Podovinikoff Nick Elasoff Mabel Negraeff William W. & Doris Semenoff Nellie Makortoff Peter P. Chursinoff John P. Makortoff
Pete S. Semenoff Mary Barisenkoff William Verigin John F. Markin Bill W. Planedin Vera Padmoroff Helen A. Zibin Millie
Kinakin & Nancy Kinakin Popoff
Peter A. Bawoolin Polly Popoff
Bill M. Novokshonoff Fred Medvedoff William Jmieff Patrick Marcus Ryan Horkoff Peter N. Hoodikoff William P. Stooshnoff Mike M. Novokshonoff Walter Rezansoff Irene Lawrenow Peter P. Sofonow
William Esakin Polly Chernoff Fanny Danshin Dorothy Reibin Hazel Verigin Pete S. Sherstobitoff William M. Lebedoff Frank G. Rezansoff Mary Koochin John T. Semenoff
Pete Konkin Gonia Kalmikoff Florence Varabioff John K. Horkoff James D. Legebokow Molly & Peter Zebroff & Bobby Waselenkoff Mike S. Arishenkoff Bill Makasaeff Doris M. Ozeroff Tihon Czynownkow
Mary Dovedoff Pete Shiloff Aliccey Kolmikoff George E. Kastrukoff George J. Abrosimoff John S. Gritchen Helen Verigin Elizabeth Rilkoff Nellie Skrepnekoff Nellie J. Pepin
Tina & John Sbitnoff Tena Hlookoff & P. Hlookoff Pete J. Demoskoff Alex J. Demoskoff Lawrence A. MacDonald Alex Ogloff Mike M. Negreiff Polly M. Hremakin Annie Horkoff Nick W. Popoff
Dora Negraeff Sam
Helen Murphy William F. Vereschagin Annie Strukoff Peter P. Dergousoff George G. Reibin Fannie W. Ostoforoff Nora A. & Phillip P. Markin
Paul W. Davidoff Cindy Musaev Fred F. Easkin Pete C. Podovinnikoff Christina Plotnikoff Lucy Sherstobitoff Tina Rezansoff Kathleen Arishenkoff John N. Konkin Peter Makeiff
William A. Malloff Pete P. Horkoff William E. Jmaiff James D. Fofonoff Peter Faminoff Anne Kohler Joe
Mary Hlookoff William P. Padmoroff Polly E. Davidoff
Fred Gretchen Bill Vatkin John P. Verigin John P. Stoochnoff Alex Lazeroff Dora P. Jmaeff Peter M. Novokshonoff Sam
A. Horkoff
Margaret Makaeiff Gertie Zaitsoff
Nick M. Novokshonoff Florence Hlookoff Fred D. Posnikoff George G. Semenoff Mary Plotnikoff John J. Wishlow William Babakaiff Anastasia Parfeniuk Dimitry J. Postnikoff William M. Demoskoff
Florence Tomlin Polly Laktin Anna P. Verigin Mary Dubosoff Mike J. Potapoff Mary Semenoff Molly F. Reibin Molly Pereversoff Fanny Stoochnoff Steve A. Makortoff
Olga Dergousoff John Soloveoff Mike P. Skripnikoff Paul A. Lazeroff Molly Relkoff Harry Popoff Thelma Festerling Peter M. Saliken Florence A. Popoff Annie Rezansoff
Mike Astofooroff Mike W. Semenoff Lucy G. Lapshinoff Fred F. Makaeff Tony Seminoff Edward A. Lawrenow Dasha Strukoff Eunice Soukeroff John A. Derhousoff Helen Potopoff
Helen Konkin William J. Planedin Mary Doubinin Helen Salekin Mary P. Voykin Helen J. Zoobkoff Alex N. Chernoff William S. Konkin Andrew G. Makortoff Louis Chernenkoff
John Pereverzoff Nick A. Zibin Peter Kazakoff Nick Makeiff William Arishenkoff John Perepolkin Florence Koochin William P. Planedin William A. Novokshonoff Lorretta Wirischagin
George Pereverzoff William S. Zibin Walter Walasoff Polly P. Popoff Mike K. Markin Peter W. Makortoff Jack L. Popoff
Sophie Dutoff Samuel J. Legebokow Mike J. Novoksonoff Florence Siminoff Mabel Chernoff Mary A. Kolesnikoff
Helen Popoff Helen Semenoff Larry Soloveoff John J. Semenoff Pete Danshin


Lucy Horkoff Polly Kazakoff Nick J. Persoff Alex E. Chivildave


Sion Cemetery Map 9

Map of
USCC (Sion) Cemetery
Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 81 – 90


90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81
John I. Parakin Mary Chivildave Tammy Wright Cecil W. Koochin Mike F. Chernoff Tina Kalugin Annie M. Abrosimoff Lana Kurnoff Fanny Kholodenen William Derhousoff
Helen P. Planedin Paul M. Negreiff Peter C. Esouloff Prokofy L. Verigin Anastasia N. Zeberoff Doris Trafimenkoff Alice Babakaiff Nick N. Pepin Nastia Danshin Helen Cheveldaeff
William T. Arishenkoff Fred Sheloff Polly Pereversoff Clara R. Strukoff William M. Jmaeff Marion & Trina Moojalski Andrew P. Markin Mary F. Zibin Polly F. Arishenkoff John E. Verigin
William L. Strukoff Timothy J. Relkoff Mary Podovinnikoff Pearl H. Stushnoff Polly Davidoff Alex J. Makortoff Alex A. Semenoff Mary Lebadoff John D. Markin Mary G. Stooshnoff
Nicholas Barisenkoff Polly Jmieff Fred F. Plotnikoff Nora Hawreluk Ann
William W. Ogloff Mabel Soloveoff Annie Easkin Helen A. Semenoff Jenny Hlookoff
Polly Sheloff Oxinia Rezansoff Peter A. Verigin Ann
Fred J. Arishenkoff Nellie W. Postnikoff John P. Negraeff Paranna Plotnikoff William Argotoff Vera Borisenkoff
John Jmieff William J. Chiveldave Nick D. Arishenkoff Mike W. Rezansoff Anastasia Perepalkin Nellie Makaoff Joseph Makortoff Helen & George Hutchinson Florence, Larisa & Keith Perepolkin Pearl Demosky
Alex Hoolaeff Anna Makortoff William B. Padmoroff John S. Makortoff Andrew Doobinin John J. Faminoff William E. Savitskoff Alex Easkin Helen Seminoff Ruth Markin
Paul Metin Mickey A. Horkoff Bernice Faminoff Walter L. Strukoff Tina Chiveldaew Mabel Vatkin Peter W. Evdokimoff Mabel Antifaeff Nellie S. Semenoff Fred M. Novokshonoff
Vera J. Popoff John A. Davidoff William W. Dootoff Mike P. Faminoff Fedosia Perehudoff William F. Negraeff William P. Evdokimoff Tina Stupnikoff Polly P. Savitskoff Alex Arishenkoff
Nick N. Reibin John A. Makortoff Winnie J. Wlasoff Fred Antifaeff Anne P. Easkin Mary Soukoroff Helen Ogloff George W. Demoskoff John A. Tomlin Helen Sysoev
Lucy Kangian Tillie Kinakin John J. Kurnoff Pauline N. Seminoff George W. Popoff Mike F. Strelioff Anne Demoskoff Mike M. Gritchen
William B. Ozeroff Mike J. Negraeff Alex J. Gritchen Steve J. Gevatkoff Pauline A. Malloff
Nellie A. Pozdnikoff John J. Stooshnoff Florence A. Makortoff Ann
Mike G. Plotnikoff Thomas N. Hadikin
Annie N. Zebroff Lucile Legebokow


Sion Cemetery Map 8

Map of USCC (Sion) Cemetery
Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 71 – 80


80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71
Cecil W. Zibin Philip E. Podovinikoff William Dowedoff Mike A. Gritchen Alex W. Seminoff Mary Konkin Paul Medvedoff Molly Popoff George Soobotin Wasyl A. Chiveldeff
Andrew J. Postnikoff Annie Kurnoff Dora Padmeroff Alex S. Demosky Alex W. Koochin Polly A. Reibin Helen Chernoff Polly S. Astafooroff William P. Zibin Ivan J. Davidoff
Helen Soukoroff Polagea Novokshonoff Fred Pereversoff Peter S. Demoksy Mabel Bawoolin Nick B. Strelaeff William P. Reibin Diane Shersobetoff Mike C. Swetlishnoff Mike P. Bloudoff
Helen G. Morozoff Pete A, Negreoff Charles J. Esouloff Pete Semenoff Anastasia A. Gritchen Lucy Popoff John J. Negreiff William F. Verigin Peter Demenoff Lucy J. Markin
Alex P. Padmoroff Pete W. Planedin Polly D. Strukoff Polly Argotoff Tina N. Strukoff Koozma Novokshonoff Sam Demosky Mavrunia W. Novokshonoff Anne Sherland Helen Metin
John J. Cheveldave Laura Potapoff John M. Derhousoff Anastasia A. Stoushnoff Ivan P. Dergousoff Nick A. Relkov William Rezansoff Annie Semenoff Taras M. Arishenkoff Bill M. Gretchin
Nick N. Hremakin Polly Holoboff Mavruna Popoff Martha Osachoff Lucy A. Arishenkoff Fedosia Chursinoff Peter Barisenkoff Peter Ozeroff Fred F. Zibin Dora Zibin
William J. Chernoff Peter W. Verigin Bill B. Ozeroff Fred F. Wright Peter L. Plotnikoff Mary J. Markin Alex Horkoff John D. Kolesnikoff Anastasia Popoff Polly M. Doobinin
Eileen Perehudoff Nellie Hadikin Vera Makortoff Nick Danshin Polly P. Danshin Helen N. Rezansoff Leonard A. Lagore Joseph M. Strukoff Mabel Arishenkoff Vera Voykin
Alex N. Laktin Harry A. Seminoff Mary J. Popoff John J. Hlookoff Peter W. Koftinoff William G. Horkoff Florence N. Markin Andrew Gritchen Andrew Podovilnikoff Tania Strulow
Mary J. Peregoodoff James Popow George M. Malloff Fred F. Makortoff Peter N. Vanjoff Nick A. Chernoff John N. Lactin Mooly F. Postnikoff John Stupnikoff Tania P. Konkin
Emil Festerling Catherine Vanjoff William E. Koftinoff Mike E. Gritchen Peter A. Nahornoff Annie Lactin Jesse P. Barisoff Debbora Katasonoff Helen L. Novoskhonoff


Sion Cemetery Map 7

Map of USCC (Sion) Cemetery
Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 61 – 70


70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61
Molly G
Joseph J. Negraeff Anna A. Makortoff Martha W. Chernoff Mary T. Gritchen William P. Skripnikoff George Gemieff Mary Prokopetz
Mary Chernoff Gladis O. Wright Grace F. Gritchen Mary N. Novokshonoff John G. Malloff Annie Kalesnikoff Anna M. Parakin Mary A. Jmaiff
Martha Katasonoff Nastia N. Areshenkoff Mable Wishlow Ann


Peter J. Barisoff Helen Hennessey Larry M. Strilaeff Peter P. Strukoff
Harry Novokshonoff Wasyl W. Remezoff Harry P. Fedosoff Nasta N. Cheveldaeff John J. Verigin William W. Pepin Nastia


Paul P. Ozeroff Helen F. Koftinoff Helen Verischagin Nastia G. Gritchen William F. Makortoff Polly Astofooroff Mary W. Savitskoff
Stephen P. Chursinoff Annie P. Borisenkoff Peter L. Strukoff Ed Rezansoff Nick F.


Vera Seafoot
John Metin Dasha K. Plotnikoff Afanace Padmerow John N. Popoff John M. Lebedoff
Philip S. Markin Nick W. Sofonoff Peter M. Popoff Pauline Chernoff Marisha Ogloff Alex Ogloff
Mary W. Ozeroff Lillian W. Taylor (Malloff) Annie W. Reibin John S. Zibin John Davidoff Infant
John A. Chernoff Helen A. Hlookoff Pete J. Faminoff Mary J. Zibin Andrew W. Semenoff Vera Kabatoff
Lucy S. Horkoff Mike M. Grycak Tina Gritchen Nick W. Abetkoff
Dorthy Pepin Polly K. Postnikoff Toddy P. Chursinoff
Anna W. Vatkin
M. N. Vatkin


Sion Cemetery Map 6

Map of
USCC (Sion) Cemetery
Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 51 – 60


60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51
Rezansoff Anna Novokshonoff
Mike Novokshonoff
John J.
M. H. Elasoff Avdotia P. Bakonova
J. B. Jmaiff
Peter N. Chernoff George J. Plotnikoff Kathleen J. Verigin
Sam A. Gritchen Helen Popoff P. E. Jmaiff
Anna F. Horkoff
Polly Novokshonoff
M. V. Padmeroff

Sion Cemetery Map 5

Map of
USCC (Sion) Cemetery Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 41 – 50


50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
Mike C. Vatkin Angelina Gretchen Jenny & Pete Hlookoff William Sookaveoff Nick N. Chernoff Annie Soloveoff Anne F. Koftinoff Annie J. Podovinikoff Nicholas P. Popoff
Florence A. Strukoff Paul W. Planedin & Edward W. W. Planedin Ann S. Fofonoff John E. Rezansoff Eli E. Swetlishoff Vera Kushner J. J. Konkin Otto Jahn, Sr
Alex A. Arishenkoff Joseph P. Chernoff Parania Lapshanoff Mike Moojalsky Philip Makasaeff Nancy Plotnikoff Otto Jahn, Jr Andrew Horkoff
Kathy Chernoff Mike Kuftinoff Seminoff Fred G. Plotnikoff William F. Gritchen
John S. Chernoff Pete V. Hlookoff M. K. Stoochnoff Elizabeth V. Sheloff Nick N. Strukoff Molly Gritchen
John P. Fedosoff John J. Demoskoff Frederick P. Plaskin
Malania Kostrukow Pauline J. Davidoff Frederick P. Plaskin Harold F. Rezansoff A.J. Savitskoff
Tatyana N. Abetkoff Hlookoff Ann Koochin Walter Zeberoff
Jackie Festerling Polly A. Moojelsky Marie J. Negraeff John J. Wishlow Cecil A. Zeberoff
Wally Verigin Harry T. Chernoff Anna P. Malloff Bill A. Moojelsky Harry N. Plotnikoff John S. Demosky Peter N. Chursinoff
Agafia Makaeff John P. Rilkoff Anna A. Relkoff Molly Postnikoff Nickit P. Chernoff
William Ogloff John W. Sherbinin Helen G. Rezansoff Martha N. Kalmakoff John M. Harasimoff B. W. Konken
Nicholas Cheveldeaw Mabel Horkoff Paul Straloff Nora Tedesco
Domania S. Koochina Ruth A. Cheveldeaw A. E. Chivildave Fred W. Pepin William Shukin Polly A. Negreiff
Aksyuta Astafooroff Pete V. Novokshonoff Peter P. Medvedoff Pearl Popoff Bill Soloveiff Katya K. Makortoff
Mike N. Semenoff Peter W. Koochin Larry Kolesnikoff John Trofiminkoff
Peter Maloff Ogloff Mary J. Shukin
Katherine Chutskoff Tania J. Sherbinin
Fred N. Chutskoff Patsy Strelioff

Sion Cemetery Map 4

Map of
USCC (Sion) Cemetery
Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 31 – 40


40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
Lucy V. Demoskoff Nastia P. Zibin Maria F. Postnikoff Mary F. Negraeff Pete Szyjka Doris Rezansoff Tania Hlookoff Frank P. Chernoff John J. Fofonoff Mary Malloff
Polly S. Hlookoff Lena Chernoff Larion Strukoff Cindy J. Esakin & Joe W. Esakin Polly S. Barisoff (infant) Turner George S. Kalmakoff Anna K. Demosky Mable N. Ogloff
A. Arishenkoff Wendy M. Strukoff Dawn E. Makaeff Elizabeth Abedkoff (infant) Turner Bill Popoff Anastasia Chernoff Nick P. Relkoff
Mary A. Horkoff George W. Novokshonoff Pete P. Koftinow John D. Fofonoff Dmitri A. Fofonoff
Cathy K. Makortoff A. Samsonoff John S. Reiben Vera Dergousoff F. Gritchen Ellen J. Konkin & Polly Vanjoff Richard W. Fofonoff Agafia Fofonoff
Paul P. Chursinoff Mary N. Stooshnoff Nastia Wishloff Ignace P. Makaeff
Linda E. Makaeff Peter F. Malloff John S. Arishenkoff Nick I. Makeiff John J. Rilkoff
Nick Postnikoff John P. Negraiff Tania Kabatoff Mary V. Gritchen V. N. Zebroff Elarione Trafimenkoff Anastasia J. Rilkoff
Leecyna Moojalskoff & Annette Fofonoff Peter P. Polonikoff Pete J. Rilkoff
Hlene J. Medvedoff R. V. Chivildave F. F. Verischagin John Elsoff Anna J. Soobotin Billie Sofonoff Cheveldeaw Mary F. Rilkoff
John J. Potapoff Mike W. Popoff Peter S. Polonikoff Nellie Postnikoff & Luba Samos & Anne Swetlikoe Paul M. Chernoff John M. Peregoodoff Tania S. Sherbinin
Anna A. Chursinoff N. J. Zeberoff Ahafia N. Fofonoff Mary Pankoff Alex Posnikoff Mike N. Chernoff Max Peregoodoff
Mary A. Chernoff Peter C. Strukoff John J. Postnikoff Nick Sukoveoff
John J. Sherbinin Johnny Strukoff
Ronald A. Ogloff
Nick E. Rezansoff Walter A. Konkin Bill B. Kuftinoff
V. Davidoff


Sion Cemetery Map 3

Map of USCC (Sion) Cemetery
Grand Forks, British Columbia

Rows 21 – 30North

30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21
Tania A. Arishenkoff Mary J. Chernoff Joe Ozeroff Nastasia Ozeroff Amy
Lusha J. Szyjka George A. Rezansoff Alex F.
Sam Woykin Carl R.
William Makortoff Christine A. Stralloff William A. Barisenkoff
Mary Rezansoff Mary Barisenkoff Peter A. Posnikoff Doonia B. Horkoff Alex N. Parakin Nellie J. Straloff Danny P. Arishenkoff Nellie
Mary N. Negraeff Mary
Fred A. Semenoff Tina J. Koftinoff Peter M. Popoff Nickolas Dergousoff Mary
S. Kastrukoff
Peter W. Chernoff
Fred E. Popoff Alex A. Holoboff J. Kurnoff Andrew A. Negraeff Fred J. Koftinoff William Danshin Mary Dergousoff Fred
Molly S. Strelaeff Polly Faminoff
William Wasalenkoff Peter A. Sookarookoff Anna D. Gevatkoff Tina Samsonoff John E. Lazeroff Pete P. Danshin Alex P.
F. Makortoff
William P. Popoff
William Koftinoff Martha P. Lazeroff William J. Makonin Lawrence D.
Anna N. Konkin William W. Rezansoff Helen
William G. Popoff Lynn W. Hoodikoff
Fedosia Demoskoff Johnny J. Konkin Olga
A. Kabatoff
Mary N. Koftinoff George J. Wlasoff Mabel S. Vanjoff Molly J. Gritchen
Bobby A. Lobay Anna J. Nahornoff Tina Chernenkoff John J. Horkoff William J. Rezansoff Nick A. Kabatoff Tatiana Koftinoff Nadia Plotnikoff Avdotia N. Kootnekoff
Maria B. Zeberoff William Savinkoff Mike P.
Wasyl K. Chernenkoff Lukeria Plotnikoff Anastasia Trofiminkoff John J. Hoodikoff Mary N. Zaitsoff Anna
William W. Verigin Alex A.
Pete N. Koftinoff Philip
Peter J. Negraeff
Nastia Padmeroff Tatiana
Nellie Davidoff John N. Sofonoff Hrunia
Theresa M.
Pete J. Shelloff M.
J. Demoskoff
Nastya P. Dutoff Peter
Mary A. Makaeff Polly Harasimoff
Dora Swetlishnoff Peter J. Makaeff Elya N. Gritchen
Wasyl K. Chernoff
